Madonna is turning out to have quite a pointy nose... To pointy for my liking to be honest. I still think Thea and Mini are beautiful animals, and I want my animals to look like them.
So I need to find a near baby-faces male, but still not over 700 grams (I still prefer the mails to be between 500-600 grams).
But it should be a lot easier to find a male to my liking, if he does not have to have a pointy nose.
And talking about pointy. I've notices that a lot of all black animals tend to be quite pointy and have a pear form, and not the brick-look you want when showing. It's kinda weird IMO. I'm not sure it's the same in Norway or Sweden. Might have something to do with the fact, that ebony can be quite a challenge to breed
I'm not sure if I want a chocolate or homo brown ebony though. I'm a sucker for the chocolate animals, but I think homo would be the best way to go, because I really want to try and focus on beige, white, ebony and velvet mutations. I would prefer to try and focus on brown ebony, pink white ebony, tov brown ebony and tov pw ebony.
Might sound weird, but on the other hand. It's much easier to work with 2-4 mutations than it is to work with a little of it all.
I'm also beginning to see, that we need to focus, if we want any hope of selling young in the future.
Too bad the std. grey isn't a colour people want. They are so beautiful, I especially like the very light grey animals. But they are near impossible to sell, and I just do not have the space to keep breeding and keeping all the std. kids we could get.
Don't get me wrong. I can keep the kits we get, if it should ever be a problem to sell them, but to focus on std. grey would be a breeding suicide.
That got a bit long - oh well... That's what you get when you feel like writing in english :)