Goals and Etichs

To breed animals with a good temperament.
  • Outgoing animals, that feel safe with human contact, and are easy to handle
  • Some of the natural behavior, where the animals do not like to sit and cuttle for hours, but like to roam around and investigate.
To breed animals with an as natural look as possible
  • Relatively small animals, between 500 and 700 grams.
  • A pear shaped body, with a pointy head and big hips - natural C. lanigera look.
Mutation breed
  • We are thinking about breeding for the following mutations:
    • Wilson White
    • Beige (both homo and hetero)
    • Ebony - primarily Tan, White and Pink White
    • TOV - primarily Beige, White and Pink White
  • All the above mentioned mutations will/can be mixed.

When two animals live together, we do not separate them. We do not think that animals who like each other, should shift partners from time to time. This especially goes for females. If we don't want kits on a pair, the male will be neutered.

Our animals is first and far most our pets. We will never get more animals than we feel that we can handle. At the moment this means we won't get more than 8 animals or 4 pairs.

The male and female
  • Will be separated 1-2 days before the female is due.
  • The male is placed in a cage right next to the female.
  • After 3-5 days, the male is put back in with the female, so they can raise the kits together.

The kits
  • Stay with their parents until they are weaned and independent, this happens between 8 and 12 weeks of age.As a rule og thumb, we do not remove before the age of 10 weeks.
  • A litter will be removed from the parents at the same time, even though some may be ready before others.