To be honest, I think she had cancer.
None of the symptoms fit anything.
She gained a bit of weight, the she got a constipation, and dropped down to her low 440 grams again. After about 5-7 days, she had lost another 40 grams.
It was so awful to touch her.
We were going to get her euthanized, but she died in the morning, around 7. I'm kinda glad about this though. I really hate taking sick animals to the vet, just to get them euthanized at the vets. It should be done at home, when their time has come.
Anyway, I believe she has had cancer. She started getting these warts on her fingers. and the last couple of days, they came very rapidly. The last time I saw an animal with similar symptoms, was when one of my parents dogs had cancer.
So right now I'm getting her autopsied. I hope this will cast some light on the whole thing.
It annoys me so much, that there's really nobody who are going to learn anything from this, except me and Nick (the boyfriend).
Why don't they try and learn something from all of this mess?
Every thing had to go so fast when she was dead, that I took her to my ordinary vet. She should have gone to a university vet (not sure what the right term is for this) so that they could have learned something from her. But you tend not to think straight when you find your animal dead in the cage.
Looked like she just died in her sleep. Normally it's quite easy to tell when an animals is dead, but she was so thing and so cold before she died, it was so hard to tell that she was actually dead.
My poor little girl. I should have gotten her euthanized weeks ago